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How to optimize your marketing budget allocation

Knowing what changes to make in your marketing budget allocation can quickly feel daunting when you have a tough sales and profit target for the month or even the week. Dema's MMM-based Marketing Planner changes everything, giving you actionable insights based on world-class AI models and your cleaned data in our system. Give us a target, and we give you suggestions—in real-time.

Marketing Mix Modelling as the top 1% prefers to work with it

Imagine working with marketing but being backed by a team of data scientists. Imagine those data scientists having all your data and a great understanding of what insights you need and what you will do with them. That's Dema's MMM in a nutshell.

Let us share best practices within MMM over a call

Agile Marketing Mix Modeling lets you optimize for profitable growth

Since you trust Dema with all your commercial data, we let our MMM models guide you on how to allocate your marketing budget to optimize your top-line sales and bottom-line profit, giving you the opportunity to operate like the top 1%.

Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) that takes your seasonality into perspective

What to spend in top-of-funnel is not always the same. It varies with your seasons. It's very obvious when you think about it. Equally obvious is that an MMM needs to take that into account. And of course, we got you covered. Our models get updated all the time, capturing your unique situation and optimal marketing mix.

How to stop losing millions because of diminishing returns

Dema's dynamic MMM makes your budget allocation truly data-driven and less of a guessing game. It also visualizes the effects so that you have more than only numbers to bring to the discussions.

FAQ About Dema’s Marketing Mix Model (MMM)

Want to talk about MMM?

We are always more than happy to talk with brands and merchants about how we can help with their future profitable growth. We know that a lot of knowledge sharing is needed in this game. So please reach out, and let's discuss how profit MMM can help you in the future.

Book a call here

Read up on profit MMM in e-comm

Perhaps you want to dig deeper and get more input and arguments regarding the reasons behind profit Marketing Mix Modelling. Then, it might be a good idea to go to our blog and read a blog post or two by one of our founders.

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