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Line chart showing profit over time for two product categories

Sell existing stock efficiently

Our sophisticated AI identifies slow-moving items, allowing you to prioritize these products in promotions. Simultaneously, it helps avoid over-promotion of fast-selling products, saving you marketing expenses and preventing stockouts.

Line chart showing profit over time for two product categories

Understand historical performance changes

With Dema, you can diagnose the historical performance of your inventory by looking at historical inventory levels compared to sales and conversion rates. Perhaps the answer lies in broken size curves? Then you'll see that in Dema. With that, you gain more insights into the optimal size distribution for future purchase orders and how to treat broken size curves in the future in paid marketing, visual merchandising, and pricing.

Line chart showing profit over time for two product categories

Optimize seasonal stock

Dema.ai utilizes your historical data to predict the demand for each product. Understanding the probable demand curve well ahead of time allows you to allocate your resources effectively and ensure that every dollar spent brings the desired return. Our system is equipped to adapt to changing trends and unexpected market shifts, ensuring your inventory stays optimized no matter how the season unfolds. With Dema.ai, you manage your seasonal stock and strategically leverage it for maximum profitability.

Line chart showing profit over time for two product categories

Geographic inventory insights

Are you operating in multiple regions? Dema identifies region-specific product popularity, aiding in efficient marketing efforts between regions and stock distribution across various warehouses. Selling the right products in the right market at the right time significantly affects your marketing efficiency.

Learn more how Dema can be used

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